“Girls Can Code” is a Swiss-based initiative that aims to address the under-representation of women in the digital sector.
Courses for adults: ImpactIA offers interactive seminars with the intervention of numerous multidisciplinary experts throughout French-speaking Switzerland.
La liste des camps en informatique d'été 2023 dans toute la Suisse et des réductions spéciales pour les visiteurs du site Digital Kidz
Code Camp - The playful entry into the creative world of programming
Coding A Story offers introductory programming classes for ages 4-7 every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
codora propose des cours et camps de programmation pour les jeunes
The CreativeLabZ develops learning materials and online tutorials for biotinkering activities. It is about creating an environment for learners to find inputs and materials that enable them to engage with a biological topic and digital tools (e.g. micro:bits, scratch, arduino, 3D printer, laser cutter)
Empowerment Lab is a unique course offer for teaching new technologies. It is specially formulated for young girls between the age of 12 and 18.
FUTURE.CODERS organise des cours en science informatique pour les jeunes issus de familles au budget limité ou ayant fui leur pays
Futurekids offers one of the most active Swiss computer science and robotic classes. They provide courses for young people from 5 to 16 years old
ImpactIA's mission is to encourage and accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence in a sustainable and ethical manner at work.
Internet & Code pour les filles
LINK¡DS est une jeune start-up qui propose des ateliers ludiques et créatifs en ligne ou à domicile
Liste des camps en sciences informatiques pour l’été 2022 (réduction pour l'été 2022)
Little Scientists is a Swiss based non-profit organisation whose aim is to make high quality STEM extracurricular activities
Little Scientists ignites young minds (4-12) with fun, hands-on adventures in LEGO Robotics, Science Experiments, and Coding!
L'EPFL s'engage à promouvoir les technologies auprès des jeunes en organisant de nombreux camps et formations
STEP Academy Switzerland is part of a global network of private education centres developed in 21 countries.
TechLabs aims to encourage children and adults to discover new technologies through structured, project oriented camps, modules and workshops
TechSpark Academy propose des cours, ateliers et des camps pour les jeunes de 8 à 18 ans.
Tekmania Learning Center offers courses, summer camps and even “Drop in” days to introduce children to 21st century skills
The Youth Intelligence Agency teaches children in a fun way how technology, computers and robotics work.