AI Readiness Training

Courses for adults: ImpactIA offers interactive seminars with the intervention of numerous multidisciplinary experts throughout French-speaking Switzerland.

Courses for adults: ImpactIA offers interactive seminars with the intervention of numerous multidisciplinary experts throughout French-speaking Switzerland. Based in Geneva, ImpactIA Foundation’s mission is to encourage and accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence sustainably and ethically in the labor field.

ImpactIA provides interactive seminars with the contribution of many multidisciplinary experts throughout French-speaking Switzerland. The objective is to demonstrate how AI can have a positive impact in the field of labor.

It is a 2-day seminar that proposes to learn and discover different aspects of AI:

    • General knowledge of AI but also its potential and its challenges.
    • Find out where AI fits into everyday life in different areas
    • Learn to reason and anticipate changes related to AI