Based on child development
Ranking system
Sphero is a connected mini robot with lots of games
Sphero is a connected mini robot the size of a ping-pong ball. This technological ball provides a lot of entertainment thanks to its Sphero application. For example with FaceDrive, one of the features of the application, children can control the ball using different expressions of their life when it is connected to their smartphones (laugh and the ball will go away, make a funny face and the ball will come closer to you).
However, what we find particularly interesting in this new gadget is when the ball is connected to the Sphero Edu application. Indeed, Sphero Edu allows children to program the ball by drawing, using Scratch blocks or even writing code in JavaScript.
It is very easy to program the ball by simply dragging and dropping blocks of code for Sphero Mini to execute them. A way to learn how to program with a small gadget that is easy to carry around and relatively inexpensive.
- Facilité d'apprentissage
- Caractère ludique
- Engagement
- Créativité
- Résolution de problèmes
- Message positif
- Educatif
- Design/qualité
- Qualité d'enseignement