Coding Games Robotic

La chenille programmable

Code-A-Pillar is an easy-to-use toy designed for small children to help them play while learning special and pre-programming…

Based on child development
Ranking system


Code-A-Pillar is an easy-to-use toy designed for small children to help them play while learning special and pre-programming logic.

Coding understanding through logic and commands

Created by Fisherprice, “Code-A-Pillar” programmable caterpillar is a programmable toy for children from 3 to 6 years old. It is made up of 8 sections connected by USB sticks that can be easily inserted into each other in order to create an itinerary with the help of symbols that are indicated on the top, left, right, straight ahead or pause.

Being designed for small children the product is very solid, stimulating and easy to use. Although it is very noisy and sometimes difficult to find in stores, it is still available on amazon. In our App section, you will find the application of the same game. However, it does not communicate with the caterpillar and is totally independent. In spite of the app being noise, we like it because it is easy to use and allows children to understand directions.




  • Facilité d'apprentissage
  • Caractère ludique
  • Engagement
  • Créativité
  • Résolution de problèmes
  • Message positif
  • Educatif
  • Design/qualité
  • Qualité d'enseignement
  • Recommandé aux éducateurs
  • Développement de la pensée critique