Good to know

Qwant Junior

Qwant Junior is a search engine suitable for children from 7 years old

Based on child development
Ranking system


Qwant Junior is a search engine suitable for children from 7 years old. It helps them make research online while respecting their privacy and blocking inappropriate links and websites.


Qwant Junior is a search engine suitable for children from 7 to 12 years old. It is practical because it helps them browse safely on the internet while respecting their privacy and blocking all inappropriate sites and links at the same time.

The search engine bans all violent, commercial, or pornographic content that may appear in the browser. The restriction of this type of inappropriate content is based on a pre-established blacklist by French universities.

At Digital Kidz, we love the freedom given to children to browse the Internet freely, safely, and without parental control. It is, therefore, no surprise that it is already widely used in several primary schools.

Pour les parents


  • Free



  • iPad Android Iphone



  • Ease of Play
  • Recommended for educators
  • Design/quality
  • Educational
  • Positive message
For teachers